Monday, September 22, 2008

Putting the Garden [gang] to bed for the winter . .

Just as gardens are being readied for their winter idleness, our gang is taking the winter off also. Partly because our meeting places close earlier in the fall and winter, and partly because some of us are up to our eyeballs and other body parts trying to can, freeze, dry and otherwise preserve the garden's bounty.

We will have a January meeting to take a peek at all those seed catalogues that will soon flood our mailboxes. Check back for more details.

So...........speaking of preserving the garden's bounty, what are you preserving? Leave a comment so we know.

I've got tomato marmalade, pear chutney, pear preserves, apple pear preserves, tomato chutney, dried tomatoes (lots and lots of dried tomatoes), and pickles (all sorts of pickles) in the larder. Hoping to make apple butter and maybe some pumpkin butter. Oh..... almost forgot - lots of pesto in the freezer - basil pine nut pesto, cilantro almond pesto, Thai basil almond pesto, basil walnut pesto - all made with Wisconsin Parmesan cheese. Oh I just love this time of year. I really do love preserving food and enjoying all those marvelous creations and flavors during the long, cold winter.


Codadiva said...

MMMMMM - I didn't reap much but learned a ton! I wonder if we might be able to meet to discuss indoor (winter) composting. Perhaps at the Jan meeting. I found an article and wonder if you all have had experience with it. Taking babysteps to being green.

Maria Birch said...

Whoa! I am seriously behind on blogging here - so sorry for not catching this earlier.

Would love to have you share the info. Is this vermiculture?

I'm thinking we should start meeting again, maybe a seed exchange or something. Watch for an update in the next few days...........