Monday, July 21, 2008

Friendship Garden

We're thinking it's time to finish up the Friendship Garden at Woodland Dunes. And we sure could use a hand or two. There's one more lasagna garden to plant and plenty of 5 gallon pails just aching for tomatoes and peppers. We'll start at 6:30 p.m. (and finish no later than 8:30 p.m.) on Thursday, July 24th.

We'll review techniques for constructing a lasagna garden and how to create container gardens.

We so much appreciate working with Woodland Dunes to make this garden experience possible. And the really cool thing is that all the produce that comes this Friendship Garden will be donated to the Two Rivers Mishicot Ecumenical Pantry for distribution to food insecure families.

Can you help us out? Leave a comment or send an email (see footer for addy), so we can have idea of who just might show up.

Do you know someone who might want to learn these gardening techniques, or who might have an hour or two to help out on Thursday? Well then, pass this information along to them.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

An Urban Garden

Here's a link to Dr. Soozee's urban garden - check it out! Everything's growing so fast, you can almost hear it. I've seen stuff in her garden double in size in one 24 hour period - how's that for growing.

Some pretty tasty stuff is coming out of that garden. I know - I'm tasting it! Sorrel, spinach, lambs quarters, a local variety of amaranth (aka "pig weed"), pea greens, onions, chives, mesclun (lettuce mix), mustard greens, radish greens, kale and cabbage greens, rhubarb, asparagus, chive blossoms, garlic tops.

Yes, pig weed and lambs quarters are quite edible. I know, I know, you've thought all along they are just weeds. As young leaves, they are great tossed into a green salad. As the leaves mature, try them sauteed or braised. Here's a recipe or two (and some new blogs and websites to check out).