Monday, August 18, 2008

It's time to meet again......

Did you see us in the news in Sunday's Herald Times Reporter?

Here's the link

The article included photos of Soozi watering her garden with water from her rain barrel, and a nice shot of the rain barrel. Still trying to find those photos on-line, so we can share them here.

Anyway, hope your garden is growing and producing - keep us posted.

We are meeting Wednesday, August 20th at 6:30 p.m. at the Washington House. See the side bar for more info. (Yes, we know the meeting info is not quite right in the HTR.)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How's your garden growing............

Can you believe it's time for another meeting? I don't know . . . what do you think?

Are you all busy with garden stuff and you don't have time, or are you looking for a reprieve from all the garden stuff? I thought we maybe should just not meet during August, but not everyone thought that was a good idea.

So, here's what we're gonna do.

Stumpjack switched over to their summer hours. David and Kim tell me they like the new hours (and so do the customers - no more belly aching about not being open on Monday and Tuesday). H-o-w-e-v-e-r, they now closed earlier in the day - like 4 p.m. so David can lay on the beach or surf or whatever - no whining there.

So August 6 and 20, we'll meet over soda and ice cream at the Washington House, 1622 Jefferson Street, Two Rivers. (Jefferson St. is one block east of Washington Street).

The Washington House is operated by the Two Rivers Historical Society. You will find historical displays, Ed Berner's ice cream parlor (serving Cedar Crest ice cream - manufactured on Tenth Street in Manitowoc), historical murals on the walls of the second floor ball room and an old-time bar (serving soft drinks), used books and other fun items for sale.

Join us if you wish, we'll eat ice cream or drink sodas and talk about our gardens - any giant zucchinis yet?
